Tower of Babel

The Ten Commandments are a pretty big deal. The third commandment is interesting. We all know it, “Thou Shalt not take the name of your Lord God in Vain”, but what exactly does it mean?

How does one take Gods name in vain?

God being all powerful, a separate being from us, the source of all that exists, omnipresent and boundless is way beyond our ability to truly comprehend. So how can someone take his name in vain, and what exactly does that mean.

Would it not be far better to not take his name at all than risk taking it in vain, and is this being known as god so concerned about his image amongst mere mortals.

I think not.

A common theme in humanity is to use gods name for personal gain. Throughout most of recorded human history Gods name has been used to further one persons position over another. People who utilize gods name for personal gain is what I believe this commandment is trying to teach us.

Some people who align themselves with god, tend to believe they have some special dispensation to harm others who feel differently than they do. I see no compassion, no consideration for the other. Right now in this country Conservative Republicans are aligning themselves with God. Why not, it’s a proven formula that has worked for millennia. They are eroding away at our democracy and forgetting the virtues of separation of Church and State. The religious right would have all the rest of us believe that their beliefs are superior and because they are in lock step with the almighty, have permission to do whatever they need to do to accomplish their ends regardless of anyone else’s opinions or objections.

This attitude and behavior is what taking Gods name in vain is all about. In the end this all leads to more human catastrophe and suffering.

Using Gods name in vain is what makes us hateful and rotten. Those amongst us who take comfort in religious practices can do so while still having respect and regard for others. No matter how much you may be committed to your beliefs please remember that we all need to get along on this planet. Let’s open our hearts wide enough so that at some level we also realize that as imperfect beings, our personal opinions may not be the only pathway towards truth.

Brother Burt encourages us all to look inward and reject those who are actively taking gods name in vain. As the song goes, “there’s a fear down there we can’t forget, hasn’t got a name just yet.” Please wake up.

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