Dear Hillary Clinton

The United States Constitution and the Declaration of Independence are documents that were drafted by our Founding Fathers in response to centuries of ignorance and religious persecution. The ignorance I am alluding to, is when one person or group believes so strongly that their ideas are so absolutely correct that they disenfranchise anyone who holds a different point of view. The lack of dignity and respect that this behavior demonstrates is appalling in todays world. In a free society as ours we must be vigilant, as Thomas Jefferson warned, that we not lose the freedoms we cherish by tolerating this offensive behavior.



We just passed a very contentious presidential election. While many people have strong opinions on which candidate would have made the better choice, the bottom line is that we never really know until many years after that president has left office and historical perspective provides the clarity to judge. As with all presidential cycles to predict an outcome and to “know” whether Mr. Trump was the better choice, is at this time pure speculation.

It seems though that a new idea has emerged within the American psyche. Some supporters of Mrs. Clinton have adopted the idea that it is good to lambast and disengage from friends and family members who supported and voted for Mr. Trump. They are waging personal attacks against fellow Americans simply for not sharing their point of view. Big Brother Burt is of the opinion that this is a deplorable behavior as un-American as anything we have ever seen in this country. It is no different than the religious persecution that our very constitution strives to defend us from.

Unfortunately I have been a recent victim of this abuse. A cousin of mine, who is a successful mental health therapist, upstate NY,  and member of the LBGT community called me yesterday morning screaming at me because I did not support the same candidate as she did. When I tried to explain that as a member of a free society, I had a right to support any candidate of my choosing, she told me that my vote was a personal affront to her being and that she will no longer have anything to do with me.

This behavior is affront to my sensibilities as an American. It shows a complete lack of respect and tolerance for my beliefs and my choices. It is especially puzzling to me that someone who comes from a community that preaches tolerance and understanding could be so much the opposite.

The answer to this sort of defamation is not to become intolerant or racist ourselves. We must call out bigotry for what it is regardless of its origin. Let these people know that they have disrespected us and we will now judge them as regards to their character. Big BrotherBurt wishes that the contentious nature of the recent election will quickly pass and that America will begin to heal and move forward. I call on the leadership of all our diverse communities to be voices of conciliation for the betterment of our republic.


Dear Hillary Clinton. You are to many Americans a trusted voice. You need to emerge and be a voice of reason and clarity in that the future and the well being of our country needs to be nourished. You and Mr. Trump had a very contentious battle and now the time has come for reconciliation. Some of your supporters obviously are not going to back down and possibly with your encouragement we can minimize the damage. I implore you Mrs. Clinton to act so other Americans need not experience the abuse that occurred between my cousin and I. No doubt you will benefit politically, being recognized as someone who places the countries needs above her own personal aspirations.

BigBrother Burt


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