Religious Racism

For an ideology to be successful, it must include a compelling “us vs them” component. Ritual complexities serve to strengthen the sense of belonging to a very special, exclusive club. The added component of a personal deity conveys an entitlement to the worshiper, that creates separation from the uninitiated.

Orthodox Jews actually believe that they are endowed with a special sabbath soul that others are lacking. Christians imbibe the body of Christ. Muslims see all uninitiated in their faith as infidels.  As an adherent in one of these faith’s gets closer to the deity in observance and subjugation, they become “more holy”. The rest of us are “impure”.


The goal of “imatatio dei” imitation of god, is worth consideration. Used in the context of a religious ideology, the faithful is instructed to act as god does. Since no one has actually seen or heard from god, what they are actually following is a human projection of what their ideology believes god is. The initiated however does not see it that way and completely believes that through their faith they are walking hand in hand with the Devine. That creates a powerful sense of entitlement which is very attractive to the human ego.

In a community of the faithful, the concept of us vs. them is emphasized. In almost every sermon I heard, inevitably  a comparison was made between members of the faith community and others. Many prayers regardless of how harmless they seem, are brimming with “us vs. them” themes. The message received is clear, you the faithful are better than everyone else. The more extreme believers, who follow closer observance to the written word of god, a different standard of morality and ethics is directed to the non-believer. That can show itself as a polite indifference to full out Jihad in the case of Islamist Muslims.

“Us Vs. Them” is a central theme in every religion. I ask, other than support the ego what does it accomplish? It is nothing more than a self serving device that any human that conceived of an ideology knows will help make it a successful venture. From Nazi ideology of the pure German race, to religious ideologies that differentiate the faithful from the sinner, the common ground is the devices used to sell the goods. The lure of “us” being better than “them” in the face of human ego will always tempt man. Regardless of how irrational an idea may seem once it becomes aligned with a position that supports ego gratification, many will be swayed.

Big Brother Burt blogs have maintained that religious ideology is a tool that many have used throughout human history to cause a great deal of harm and destruction. In the past I have compared religion to a drug whose abuse potential is enormous. This blog shows the “addictiveness” of these tools. Many brilliant, and greatly intelligent people are lured into religion because people are searching for ways to feel better about themselves. What better way is there to feel good than knowing you are part of a community of people who are in line directly with the creator. You have risen above the common man and your version of religion is the absolute truth. Every time you pray you reinforce these behaviors by thanking the Lord for opening your eyes and elevating you away from the land of sinners.

As time goes on you develop a smug contempt for those less fortunate than you whose eyes have not been enlightened like yours have. In some instances it is ok to take advantage of, to cheat, to malign and even murder the sinner, the goy, the infidel.

Big Brother Burt knows better. He was once a member of your club. You cannot fool me as you do the uninitiated. Your religious ideologies are self serving tools that work best on the poor, the downtrodden and anyone who needs to lift themselves upward with high doses of “us vs. them” cures.

Can humanity live happily in harmony without the need for harmful ideologies. If we all became a little more giving and less concerned about ego gratification wouldn’t our planet naturally become a better, more fun place to live. Look around, in places where are religious observance is the lowest, we see the highest quality of life. The opposite is true as well.

The time has come for integrity to emerge. Let our hard fought values of human freedom and emancipation release us from the need to serve harmful ideologies and start to build a future based on bringing humans closer through embracing diversity within our cultures. Ideas which separate people rather than bring them closer need to be re-evaluated.

Big Brother Burt




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