Acquainted with God

To all the knowers of God, I say hello. I am just another human sharing space with you on this planet. I consist of matter and energy, and poses limited mental and physical capabilities. The boundaries imposed on me within this existence, limit my ability to know the deity as you do.

Speaking with other god knowers as yourselves, I am told just to believe.


Amongst your kind their is no agreement about the true nature of this deity you all know so well. You have all waged wars, murdered and tortured countless peoples to prove your point.

I wonder, when it became so difficult to state, I simply don’t know anything about a deity. is the honest truth that we are incapable of answering all the questions of our existance somehow too embarrassing to some?   It is incredible to me that as a species we felt the need to invent and perpetuate complex ideologies and mythologies to support a theory no one has any direct knowledge of. Granted we find ourselves living, conscious and not understanding the reasons and basis of our existence. The possibility of a higher ordered more intelligent being(s) than us is of course  plausible. To fabricate and define that being and then attribute authorship and authority to that being has been proven to have disastrous consequences.

Where many will see religion as a harmless diversion that gives many support and direction, I view it as the erosion of human integrity. Morality, ethics and spirituality can be invested in humans without the need to lie. Moral choices can be made by people living in societies governed by the rule of law, without the need to introduce super human interventions. Religious people claiming they need a bible or a spiritual leader to prevent sin are often morally corrupt.  Let’s take ownership of our own moral compass and teach our children to respect human diversity and live in a manner which enriches our lives and the lives of those around us.

When you adopt the lie of the god knowers, you will always have the problem of supporting an ideology which is in conflict with well being of others around you. Those who choose not to believe the way you do, are in your minds compromised. Your religion has developed many degrading labels with which you casually use to identify the non-believers. Attitudes and laws dictate a different standard that is applied to us infidels.

A person once they buy into the lie, is rewarded with ego gratification by believing they are following the dictates of a higher power. In their minds they become “right” and everyone else is “wrong”. Extremist god knowers will give their lives and take the lives of others to be “right”. In death they are fully expecting that their deity will continue to embellish their ego gratification!!


My own parents, strictly religious people, are happier to be right in their convictions than embrace the love of non believers around them. The level of ego gratification that these religious ideologies provide is amazing. Once a human believes that he is in sync with a higher power he becomes unstoppable. The problem is that when you start with a lie the potential for abuses is incredible. The god believer also gives himself the permission to believe in things that no rational human would, outside the context of their religion. When the unthinkable does happen and horrible deeds are performed in the name of the deity, even the more moderate amongst the ranks will find a way to justify the behavior.

Big Brother Burt is appreciative to anyone who takes the time to read these postings. Hopefully at some point we will start a conversation. We who are privileged to live in a free society, finally separated from the tyranny of religious persecutions, need to see religion for what it is, a fraud. According to polling it would seem that most people in our free western world have already come to this conclusion. These blogs along with the writings of many brilliant thinkers are seeing the light of day. As science and technology gives us more insight into the workings of our universe the allure of religion becomes more irrelevant.

To all you god knowers I say this, what gives you the right to tell anyone that you know anything about the creator. No matter how many books you write and how many statues you erect the simple truth is that no human on this planet has any knowledge of these things.

The bible story of the Tower of Babel is incorrect. Like many stories in the bible It was edited to serve religious ends. It makes no sense that the ancients were building towers to destroy God. More likely they were trying to get closer to God as evidenced by all the structures built to honor the early deities. It was the result of adopting God into their lives that caused the rift amongst them. As one group claimed they had the better godhead wars broke out and peoples were killed and separated not unlike today. The human ego when supported by notions of the Devine, becomes a powerful tool for hate.

May the innate intelligence of our species, combined with the nurturing loving kindness of our universe assist us in reconnecting and healing the wounds inflicted through centuries of abuse and persecution.

Big Brother Burt



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